
You can use this form to submit anonymous feedback for the autumn school.

What did you like about the concept of the school?
What could be improved about the concept of the school?
What did you like about the organization?
What could be improved about the organization?
What did you like about the session on the CAP project?
What could be improved about the session on the CAP project?
What did you like about the session on Majorana and Axial Algebras?
What could be improved about the session on Majorana and Axial Algebras?
What did you like about the session on homomorphisms in GAP?
What could be improved about the session on homomorphisms in GAP?
What did you like about the session on finite geometry?
What could be improved about the session on finite geometry?
What did you like about the session on Semigroups?
What could be improved about the session on Semigroups?