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3 Layouts
 3.1 Standard Layout
 3.2 Tree Layout
 3.3 Table Layout

3 Layouts

Here we include a list of all layouts.

An abstract layout defines a style for displaying the progress. This style can be modified via certain layout options.

See Section 4.4 for a technical in-depth explanation.

3.1 Standard Layout

This is the default layout used by the progress printer. It is a more user-friendly limited version of the tree layout.


true to print id of process in the header.

false to suppress id printing. \(\leftarrow\) DEFAULT


true to print total time in the header of the root. \(\leftarrow\) DEFAULT

false to suppress total time.


true to print eta (expected time of arrival/completion) in the header of the root.

false to suppress eta. \(\leftarrow\) DEFAULT


true to highlight current process. \(\leftarrow\) DEFAULT

false to suppress highlighting.


"red" \(\leftarrow\) DEFAULT

See 2.3-5 for available colors.


"default" \(\leftarrow\) DEFAULT

See 2.3-5 for available styles.

3.2 Tree Layout


3.3 Table Layout


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