Small groups search


Teaching: 40 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • Modular programming: putting functions together

  • How to check a conjecture for all groups of a given order.

  • Using the Small Groups Library

  • Designing a system of functions to fit together.

  • Discovering the first boundaries of GAP and Brute-force approaches.

In this section we are interested in finding some non-trivial groups whose average order of elements is an integer.

The GAP distribution includes a number of data libraries, an overview of which can be found here. One of them is the Small Groups Library by Hans Ulrich Besche, Bettina Eick and Eamonn O’Brien which we want to use in this chapter. First, we have a look at how to work with the Small Groups Library before using it to methodically search for groups with the afore mentioned property. This library contains all groups of a certain ‘small’ order, i.e. order less than a certain bound and orders whose prime factorisation is small in some sense.

Let us have a look at some key functions. To call a group of order n out of the Small Groups Library you also need to know its identifying number. For example

gap> H := SmallGroup(64,1)
<pc group of size 64 with 6 generators>

calls the first group of order 64 out of the Small Group Library.

gap> NrSmallGroups(64)

shows that there are 267 groups of order 64. Here are a few other key functions of the package:

gap> SmallGroupsInformation(64);

  There are 267 groups of order 64.
  They are sorted by their ranks.
     1 is cyclic.
     2 - 54 have rank 2.
     55 - 191 have rank 3.
     192 - 259 have rank 4.
     260 - 266 have rank 5.
     267 is elementary abelian.

  For the selection functions the values of the following attributes
  are precomputed and stored:
     IsAbelian, PClassPGroup, RankPGroup, FrattinifactorSize and

  This size belongs to layer 2 of the SmallGroups library.
  IdSmallGroup is available for this size.

gap> G:=SmallGroup(64,2);
<pc group of size 64 with 6 generators>
gap> AllSmallGroups(Size,64,NilpotencyClassOfGroup,5);
[ <pc group of size 64 with 6 generators>, <pc group of size 64 with 6 generators>,
  <pc group of size 64 with 6 generators> ]
gap> List(last,IdGroup);
[ [ 64, 52 ], [ 64, 53 ], [ 64, 54 ] ]
gap> AllSmallGroups(64, IsAbelian);;
gap> List(last, IdGroup);
[ [ 64, 1 ], [ 64, 2 ], [ 64, 26 ], [ 64, 50 ], [ 64, 55 ], [ 64, 83 ], [ 64, 183 ], [ 64, 192 ], [ 64, 246 ], [ 64, 260 ], [ 64, 267 ] ]
gap> Size(last);
gap> AllSmallGroups(64, IsSolubleGroup);;
gap> Size(last);

SmallGroupsInformation gives us basic information about the small groups of a given size as well as precomputed information about these groups. The function AllSmallGroups returns all small groups with a given size provided as the argument. However, it is possible to use a filter to search for small groups of a given size with additional properies such as abelian groups, groups with given nilpotency class, cyclic groups and soluble groups. One can also use this library to identify a given group with a small group. For example

gap> H := Group((1,2,3),(3,6,9),(2,6));;
gap> IdSmallGroup(H);
[ 120, 34 ]
gap> SmallGroup(120,34);
Group([ (1,2,3,4,5), (1,2) ]);

Using the Small Group Library

Use the Small Group Library to compute the number of PC groups of order smaller or equal to 64. How many groups of order smaller or equal to 64 are not PC groups?


gap > Sum( List( [1 .. 64], i-> Size( AllSmallGroups( i, IsPcGroup ) ) ) );

There is one group of order less or equal to 64 that is not a pc group, i.e. the trivial group.

Now we are prepared to use the Small Group Library to search for more groups whose average order of elements is an integer.

We are going to use inline notatation to define a test function for the above property of a given group. Defining a function in this way is possible for one-argument functions.

TestOneGroup := G -> IsInt( AvgOrdOfGroup(G) );

Now let us try

[ true, false ]
gap> AllSmallGroups(Size,24,TestOneGroup,true);
[ ]

Modular programming begins here

Why is returning booleans a good design decision for such functions, instead of just printing information or returning a string such as "YES" ?

Let us first design a rudimentary function testing all groups of a given order and returning a group whose average order of elements is an integer as soon as one is found and fail, which is a special boolen variable in GAP, otherwise.

TestOneOrderEasy := function(n)
local i;
for i in [1..NrSmallGroups(n)] do
  if TestOneGroup( SmallGroup( n, i ) ) then
    return [n,i];
return fail;

For example,

[ 1, 1 ]

AllSmallGroups runs out of memory - what to do?

  • Use iteration over [1..NrSmallGroups(n)] as shown in the function above
  • Use IdsOfAllSmallGroups which accepts the same arguments as AllSmallGroups but returns ids instead of groups.

Iterating over [1..NrSmallGroups(n)] gives you more control over the progress of the calculation. For example, the next version of our testing function prints additional information about the number of the group being tested. It also supplies the testing function as an argument which allows us to plug whatever testing function we want into TestOneOrder.

TestOneOrder := function(f,n)
local i, G;
for i in [1..NrSmallGroups(n)] do
  Print(n, ":", i, "/", NrSmallGroups(n), "\r");
  G := SmallGroup( n, i );
  if f(G) then
    return [n,i];
return fail;

For instance,


will display a changing counter during calculation and then return fail:


We suspect that groups whose average order of elements is an integer are rather rare. Hence it is practical to write a function checking the groups of order 2 up to n for the desired property. Additionally we want the function to return a group whose average order of elements is an integer as soon as one is found.

local i, res;
for i in [2..n] do
  if res <> fail then
    return res;
return fail;

Let us check all groups of order up to 128 for this property:

[ 105, 1 ]

Our function tells us that the average order of elements ofSmallGroup(105,1) is an integer.

Let us have a closer look at the group we just found. For example, its isomorphism type is of interest. It can be computed using the GAP function StructureDescription. Check here for further information.

G:=SmallGroup(105,1); AvgOrdOfGroup(G); StructureDescription(G);
<pc group of size 105 with 3 generators>
"C5 x (C7 : C3)"

Let us continue our hunt for more such groups. As there are only 2 groups of order 105:

gap> NrSmallGroups(105);

we check the 2nd group of order 105 manually and continue checking the groups of order 106 up to 256 methodically.

gap> TestOneGroup(SmallGroup(105,2));

We already checked the groups of order up to and including 105 for the desired property. Let us modify our function slightly to be able to set a different starting point than order 2.

local n, res;
for n in [n1..n2] do
  if res <> fail then
    return res;
return fail;

Let us check the groups of order 106 up to 256:


We notice that checking 2328 groups of order 128 and 56092 groups of order 256 is not feasible and stop the computation.

This is again a situation where theoretical knowledge helps much more than a brute-force approach. If the group is a p-group then the order of each conjugacy class of a non-identity element of the group is divisible by p; therefore, the average order of a group element can not be an integer. Therefore p-groups can be excluded from our calculation. Let us change our code accordingly using the function IsPrimePowerInt:

local n, res;
for n in [n1..n2] do
  if not IsPrimePowerInt(n) then
     if res <> fail then
       return res;
return fail;

We can now check all groups of order 106 up to 512, excluding p-groups:

gap> TestRangeOfOrders(TestOneGroup,106,512);
[ 357, 1 ]

So we found a group of order 357 satisfying our designated property. Let us have a look at that group:

AvgOrdOfGroup( SmallGroup(357,1)); StructureDescription( SmallGroup(357,1));
"C17 x (C7 : C3)"

Our next goal is to make our function as flexible and as user friendly as possible. To begin with, we modify TestOneOrder.

Firstly, we are going to make TestOneOrder variadic, i.e. it may accept two or more arguments. We will set 2 as minimum number of arguments, the first two being f and n, as we need to know a testing function f as well as the order n we want to check. We additionally allow for optional arguments that will be stored in the list r, indicated by r.. in the code below. The entries of r represent the indentifying number of the first and last small group of order n we want to check. By default these numbers are equal to 1 and NrSmallGroups(n). Because of these modifications we have to validate our input and return user-friendly error messages in case of a wrong input.

Secondly we are going to introduce the concept of Info messages and Info levels. Info messages may be switched on and off depending on the Info level set by the user. The need we address here is the ability to switch the levels of verbosity of the output without the error-prone approach of walking through the code and commenting Print statements in and out. Let us have a quick look at Info classes before changing the code of our TestOneGroup function.

We have to create an InfoClass first:

gap> InfoSmallGroupsSearch := NewInfoClass("InfoSmallGroupsSearch");

Now instead of Print("something"); one can use Info( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, infolevel, "something" ); where infolevel is a positive integer specifying the level of verbosity. This level could be changed to n using the command SetInfoLevel( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, n);. See actual calls of Info in the code below:

TestOneOrderVariadic := function(f,n,r...)
local n1, n2, i;

if not Length(r) in [0..2] then
  Error("The number of arguments must be 2,3 or 4\n" );

if not IsFunction( f ) then
  Error("The first argument must be a function\n" );

if not IsPosInt( n ) then
  Error("The second argument must be a positive integer\n" );

if IsBound(r[1]) then
  if not n1 in [1..NrSmallGroups(n)] then
    Error("The 3rd argument, if present, must belong to ", [1..NrSmallGroups(n)], "\n" );

if IsBound(r[2]) then
  if not n2 in [1..NrSmallGroups(n)] then
    Error("The 4th argument, if present, must belong to ", [1..NrSmallGroups(n)], "\n" );
  elif n2 < n1 then
    Error("The 4th argument, if present, must be greater or equal to the 3rd \n" );

Info( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, 1,
      "Checking groups ", n1, " ... ", n2, " of order ", n );
for i in [n1..n2] do
  if InfoLevel( InfoSmallGroupsSearch ) > 1 then
    Print(i, "/", NrSmallGroups(n), "\r");
  if f(SmallGroup(n,i)) then
    Info( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, 1,
          "Discovered counterexample: SmallGroup( ", n, ", ", i, " )" );
    return [n,i];
Info( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, 1,
      "Search completed - no counterexample discovered" );
return fail;

The following example demonstrates how the output may be controlled by switching the info level for InfoSmallGroupsSearch:

gap> TestOneOrderVariadic(TestOneGroup,24);
gap> SetInfoLevel( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, 1 );
gap> TestOneOrderVariadic(TestOneGroup,24);
#I  Checking groups 1 ... 15 of order 24
#I  Search completed - no counterexample discovered
gap> TestOneOrderVariadic(TestOneGroup,357);
#I  Checking groups 1 ... 2 of order 357
#I  Discovered counterexample: SmallGroup( 357, 1 )
[ 357, 1 ]
gap> SetInfoLevel( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, 0);
    gap> TestOneOrderVariadic(TestOneGroup,357);
[ 357, 1 ]

This causes some problems for our test file since the Test function compares the actual output to the reference output. To resolve this problem we run the tests at info level 0 to suppress all additional output.

# Finding groups with integer average order
gap> SetInfoLevel( InfoSmallGroupsSearch, 0);
gap> res:=[];;
gap> for n in [1..360] do
>      if not IsPrimePowerInt(n) then
>        t := TestOneOrderVariadic( TestOneGroup,n,1,NrSmallGroups(n) );
>        if t <> fail then
>          Add(res,t);
>        fi;
>      fi;
>    od;
gap> res;
[ [ 1, 1 ], [ 105, 1 ], [ 357, 1 ] ]


  • Use the Small Group Library to find another group whose order is greater than 1536 and the average order of its elements is an integer.

  • How many groups of order not higher than 2000 may you be able to check, excluding p-groups and those of order 1536?


  • SmallGroup(1785,1) has a whole numbered average order of elements.

  • Groups of order 1600, 1664, 1728, 1792, 1920, (1944) are a problem

Key Points

  • Organise the code into functions.

  • Create small groups one by one instead of producing a huge list of them.

  • Using SmallGroupsInformation may help to reduce the search space.

  • Determining the isomorphism type of a group.

  • GAP is not a magic tool: theoretical knowledge may help much more than brute-force approach.