First session with GAP


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 10 min
  • Working with the GAP command line

  • Time-saving tips and tricks

  • Using GAP help system

  • Basic objects and constructions in the GAP language

If GAP is installed correctly you should be able to start it. Exactly how you start GAP will depend on your operating system and how you installed GAP. GAP starts with the banner displaying information about the version of the system and loaded components, and then displays the command line prompt gap>, for example:

┌───────┐   GAP 4.8.5, 25-Sep-2016, build of 2016-10-04 11:28:21 (BST)
│  GAP  │
└───────┘   Architecture: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0-gcc-6-default64
Libs used:  gmp, readline
Loading the library and packages ...
Components: trans 1.0, prim 2.1, small* 1.0, id* 1.0
Packages:   AClib 1.2, Alnuth 3.0.0, AtlasRep 1.5.1, AutPGrp 1.6,
            Browse 1.8.6, CRISP 1.4.4, Cryst 4.1.12, CrystCat 1.1.6,
            CTblLib 1.2.2, FactInt 1.5.3, FGA 1.3.1, GAPDoc 1.5.1, IO 4.4.6,
            IRREDSOL 1.3.1, LAGUNA 3.7.0, Polenta 1.3.6, Polycyclic 2.11,
            RadiRoot 2.7, ResClasses 4.5.0, Sophus 1.23, SpinSym 1.5,
            TomLib 1.2.5, Utils 0.40
Try '??help' for help. See also '?copyright', '?cite' and '?authors'

To leave GAP, type quit; at the GAP prompt. Remember that all GAP commands, including this one, must be finished with a semicolon!

Quit and start GAP

Practice entering quit; to leave GAP, and then start a new GAP session.

The easiest way to start trying GAP out is as a calculator:

(1 + 2^32) / (1 - 2*3*107);

We can repeat our calculation from above if we want to record it as well. Instead of retyping it, we will use <Up> and <Down> arrow keys to scroll the command line history. Repeat this until you will see the formula again, then press <Return> (the location of the cursor in the command line does not matter):

(1 + 2^32) / (1 - 2*3*107);

You can also edit existing commands. Press up once more, and then use <Left> and <Right> arrow keys, <Delete> or <Backspace> to edit it and replace 32 by 64 (other useful shortcuts are Ctrl-A and Ctrl-E to move the cursor to the beginning or to the end of the line, respectively). Now press the <Return> key (at any position of the cursor in the command line):

(1 + 2^64) / (1 - 2*3*107);

Use the history

Enter any command into your command line and press <Enter>. Press <Up> to repeat the command and modify it.

It is useful to know that if the command line history is long, one can perform a partial search by typing the initial part of the command and use <Up> and <Down> arrow keys after that, to scroll only the lines that begin with the given string.

If you want to store a value for later use, you can assign it to a name using ` := `:

universe  :=  6*7;

:=, = and <>

  • In other languages you might be more familiar with using = to assign variables, but GAP uses :=.

  • GAP uses = to compare if two things are the same where other languages might use ==.

  • Finally, GAP uses <> to check if two things are not equal, rather than the != you might have seen before.

Whitespace characters (i.e. spaces, tabs and returns) are insignificant in GAP, except if they occur inside a string. For example, the previous input could be typed without spaces:


Whitespace symbols are often used to format more complicated commands for better readability. For example, the following input creates a 3x3 matrix

m := [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];
[ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ]

We can instead write our matrix over 3 lines. In this case, instead of the full prompt gap>, a partial prompt > will be displayed until the user finishes the input with a semicolon:

gap> m := [[ 1, 2, 3 ],
>        [ 4, 5, 6 ],
>        [ 7, 8, 9 ]];
[ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ], [ 7, 8, 9 ] ]

You can use Display to pretty-print variables, including this matrix:

[ [  1,  2,  3 ],
  [  4,  5,  6 ],
  [  7,  8,  9 ] ]

In general GAP functions like Display are called using brackets which contain a (possibly empty) list of arguments.


Check what happens if you forget to add brackets, e.g. type Display; and Factorial;


GAP tells us that Display is an operation and Factorial is a function. These are GAP objects just the same as are lists and matrices. We will explain the difference between operations and functions later.

Here are examples of some other GAP functions:


(the exact width of output will depend on your terminal settings),



[ 3, 5, 17, 257, 641, 65537, 6700417 ]

Functions may be combined in various ways, and may be used as arguments of other functions, as we will see later. They can be defined very compactly using the arrow notation:

f := x -> 2*x + 18;;

Note that the ;; suppresses the output of an expression.

A very time-saving feature of the GAP command-line interface is completion of identifiers when the <Tab> key is pressed. For example, type Fib and then press the <Tab> key to complete the input to Fibonacci:


In case when there is no unique completion, GAP will perform a partial completion, and pressing the <Tab> key a second time will display all possible completions of the identifier.

Tab completion

Try to enter GroupHomomorphismByImages or NaturalHomomorphismByNormalSubgroup using completion.

Always use Tab completion

  • It will save you time.

  • You will notice immediately whether you misspelled a name.

The way functions are named in GAP will hopefully help you to memorize or even guess names of library functions. If a variable name consists of several words then the first letter of each word is capitalized. Further details on naming conventions used in GAP are documented in the GAP manual here. Functions with names which are ALL_CAPITAL_LETTERS are internal functions not intended for general use. Use them only if you know exactly what you are doing!

It is important to remember that GAP is case-sensitive. For example, the following input causes an error

Error, Variable: 'factorial' must have a value
not in any function at line 14 of *stdin*

because the name of the GAP library function is Factorial. Using lowercase instead of uppercase or vice versa also affects name completion.

Now let’s consider the following problem: For a finite group G, calculate the average order of its elements (that is, the sum of orders of its elements divided by the order of the group). Where to start?

Enter ?Group, and you will see all help entries, starting with Group:

│   Choose an entry to view, 'q' for none (or use ?<nr> later):                │
│[1]    AutoDoc (not loaded): @Group                                           │
│[2]    loops (not loaded): group                                              │
│[3]    polycyclic: Group                                                      │
│[4]    RCWA (not loaded): Group                                               │
│[5]    Tutorial: Groups and Homomorphisms                                     │
│[6]    Tutorial: Group Homomorphisms by Images                                │
│[7]    Tutorial: group general mapping                                        │
│[8]    Tutorial: GroupHomomorphismByImages vs. GroupGeneralMappingByImages    │
│[9]    Tutorial: group general mapping single-valued                          │
│[10]   Tutorial: group general mapping total                                  │
│[11]   Reference: Groups                                                      │
│[12]   Reference: Group Elements                                              │
│[13]   Reference: Group Properties                                            │
│[14]   Reference: Group Homomorphisms                                         │
│[15]   Reference: GroupHomomorphismByFunction                                 │
│[16]   Reference: Group Automorphisms                                         │
│[17]   Reference: Groups of Automorphisms                                     │
│[18]   Reference: Group Actions                                               │
│[19]   Reference: Group Products                                              │
│[20]   Reference: Group Libraries                                             │
│ > > >                                                                        │
└─────────────── [ <Up>/<Down> select, <Return> show, q quit ] ────────────────┘

You may use arrow keys to move up and down the list, and open help pages by pressing the <Return> key. For this exercise, open Tutorial: Groups and Homomorphisms first. Note the navigation instructions at the bottom of the screen. Look at the first two pages, then press q to return to the selection menu. Next, navigate to Reference: Groups and open it. Within the two first pages you will find the function Group and a mentioning of Order.

Let’s now copy the following input from the first example of the GAP Reference Manual chapter on groups. It shows how to create permutations and assign values to variables. This is Reference: Groups. You can select it by writing ?11, where you replace 11 with whatever number appears before Reference: Groups on your machine.

If you are viewing the GAP documentation in a terminal, you might find it helpful to open two copies of GAP, one for reading documentation and one for writing code!

The Help System

  • Use ? and ?? to view help pages.

  • After this workshop, you can read the A First Session with GAP section in the GAP Tutorial.

  • You can view the documentation in the terminal, online, or download it as a pdf file.

This guide shows how permutations in GAP are written in cycle notation, and also shows common functions which are used with groups.

a := (1,2,3);; b := (2,3,4);;

Next, let G be a group generated by a and b:

G := Group(a, b);
Group([ (1,2,3), (2,3,4) ])

We may explore some properties of G and its generators:

Size(G); IsAbelian(G); StructureDescription(G); Order(a);

Our next task is to find out how to obtain a list of elements and their orders.


Enter ?elements and explore the list of help topics.

After its inspection, the entry from the Tutorial does not seem relevant, but the entry from the Reference manual is. It also tells us the difference between using AsSSortedList and AsList. So, this is the list of elements of G:

[ (), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,2), (1,3,4),
  (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,2), (1,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ]

The returned object is a list. We would like to assign it to a variable in order to explore and reuse it. We forgot to do this when we calculated it. Of course, we may use the command line history to restore the last command, edit it and call again. But instead, we will use last which is a special variable holding the last result returned by GAP:

elts := last;
[ (), (2,3,4), (2,4,3), (1,2)(3,4), (1,2,3), (1,2,4), (1,3,2), (1,3,4),
  (1,3)(2,4), (1,4,2), (1,4,3), (1,4)(2,3) ]

This is a list. Lists in GAP are indexed from 1. The following commands are (hopefully!) self-explanatory:

gap> elts[1]; elts[3]; Length(elts);

We can access elements of lists and we can also dynamically change the length of a list by adding new elements:

L := [3,4];;
L[1] := 2;;
Add(L, 3);;
Append(L, [7, 8, 9]);;
[ 3, 4 ]
[ 2, 4 ]
[ 2, 4, 3 ]
[ 2, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9 ]

Note that a list in GAP is not necessarily dense, i.e. it may contain holes:


This is a list of length 3!

An important difference to statically-typed languages you might know is that the elements of a list need not be of the same type:

[3, [1,2,3], (4,5)(2,3)]

Lists are more than arrays

  • May contain holes or be empty.

  • May dynamically change their length (with Add, Append or direct assigment).

  • Not required to contain objects of the same type.

  • See more in GAP Tutorial: Lists and Records.

Many functions in GAP refer to Sets. A set in GAP is just a list with no repetitions, no holes, and elements in increasing order. Clearly, this only works if GAP knows how to compare the elements. Here are some examples:

gap> IsSet([1,3,5]); IsSet([1,5,3]); IsSet([1,3,3]);

We continue with our example – the average order of elements of G. There are many different ways to do this, we will consider a few of them here.

A for loop in GAP allows you to do something for every member of a collection. This general form of a for loop is:

for val in collection do
  <do something with val>

For example, to find the average order of our group G we can do.

s := 0;;
for g in elts do
  s  :=  s + Order(g);
s / Length(elts);

Actually, we can just directly loop over the elements of G, in general GAP will let you loop over most types of object. We have to switch to using Size instead of Length, as groups don’t have a length!

s := 0;;
for g in G do
  s  :=  s + Order(g);
s / Size(G);

There are other ways of looping, for example we can instead loop over the integers, and use elts like an array:

s := 0;;
for i in [1 .. Length(elts)] do
  s  :=  s + Order(elts[i]);
s / Length(elts);

Loops in GAP

You can for loop over many objects, not only ranges like [1 .. n].

We can state this in a much more compact way as we will now see: GAP has very helpful list manipulation tools. Here we use the fact that functions are objects in GAP and so they can also be an argument of a function. List(L, F) returns a newly created list where the function F is applied to each member of the list L.

f := x->2*x+18;;
l := [1..5];;
List(l, f);
[ 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 ]
[ 1 .. 5 ]

Note that this does not change l. We now use this to state our computation concisely:

Sum(List(elts, Order)) / Length(elts);

Note that Sum takes a list as its argument and returns the sum of its entries.

Using List to create a copy instead of changing the given list is called a functional programming style. Functional programming refers to the idea that the result of a function only depends on the values of its arguments and does not change any variables but returns a new object. This makes programs much more safe to use and to understand. When writing new code you should always prefer elegance and understandability to performance. To say it with Donald Knuth:

Premature optimization is the root of all evil

Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.

Donald Knuth

Functional programming

  • Functions do not have side-effects.
  • In other languages the map command is an analogue to GAP’s List.
  • Can be very elegant but nested List statements quickly become unreadable. Choose wisely!

The -> constructor

  • Does the -> constructor for functions fit into the functional programming paradigm?


Yes. E.g. the function f := x -> x^3 does not change its input.

Note that for many list operations there are both functions that create a new list and functions that change its first input. E.g.

L := [2, 4, 3];;
Concatenation(L, [7, 8, 9]);
[ 2, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9 ]
[ 2, 4, 3 ]
Append(L, [7, 8, 9]);
[ 2, 4, 3, 7, 8, 9 ]

Functional programming in GAP


  • Names of functions with side effects are verbs.

  • Names of functions without side effects are nouns or adjectives.

Let’s consider another tool to manipulate lists. Often we need to get all elements from a list that satisfy a certain condition. For example we might need a list containing all even numbers between 1 and 20. This is done by the commmand Filtered, where Filtered(L, F) is the list containing all elements l of L for which F(l) is true.

Filtered([1..20], IsEvenInt]);

We study some more methods to get information from lists.

Filtered(elts, g -> NrMovedPoints(g) = 4);
[ (1,2)(3,4), (1,3)(2,4), (1,4)(2,3) ]
First(elts, g -> (1,2)^g = (2,3));

Let’s check this:


From left to right

  • In GAP permutations are applied from the right and thus multiplied from left to right!

Finally, there are the functions ForAll and ForAny that work just like the quantifiers of the same name:

ForAll(elts, g -> g=() or NrMovedPoints(g)>=2);
ForAny(elts, g -> NrMovedPoints(g) = 2);

List operations

Use list operations to solve the following:

  • Select from elts the elements that stabilise the point 2.
  • Select from elts the elements that centralise the permutation (1,2).
  • Find the number of elements in elts of order 3.
  • Does G contain an element of order 5?


  • Filtered(elts, g -> 2^g = 2);
  • Filtered(elts, g -> (1,2)^g = (1,2));
  • Length(Filtered(elts, g-> Order(g)=3));
  • ForAny(elts, g-> Order(g)=5);

Key Points

  • Use command line editing.

  • Use autocompletion instead of typing names of functions and variables in full.

  • Use ? and ?? to view help pages.

  • Premature optimization is the root of all evil!

  • Premature optimization is the root of all evil!!

  • Functional programming can make code not only concise but also unreadable if nested too much.

  • Permutations are multiplied from left to right.