CARAT Introduction / Programs / TSupergroups
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Program TSupergroups


TSupergroups 'file1' [-h] [-f] [-t]
file1: Spacegroup R in standard affine form (without translations)


Calculate the minimal translationengleich supergroups of a given space group up to conjugation under the affine normalizer of this space group.
The program uses a database which only contains information up to dimension 4! So it will not work for higher dimensional space groups.


-h : Give a short help.
-f : Write representatives in files 'file1'_i.
-t : Omit the last dim R generators.


See also for TSubgroups and Standard_affine_form.


  1. Calculate minimal/maximal klassengleich/translationengleich super-/sub-groups of a given space group up to conjugation under the affine normalizer of this group.

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