CARAT Introduction / Programs / Name
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Program Name


Name file [-T] [-Z] [-o] [-M] [-c]
file: bravais_TYP containing the space group R or the finite unimodular group G.


The program is used to give crystallographic groups a name, i.e. compute a string which is depends only on the crystallographic class of the group R/G, and determines it uniquely.
CAUTION: the program assumes the translation lattice to be Z^n. If called with -Z, the program assumes file to contain a finite unimodular group G, and will output a name for the arithmetic class of G. Otherwise, it will assume file to contain generators for the space group R, and will output a name for the affine class of R.
Note that the first part of the name for a space group R is exactly the name for the arithmetic class of the point group G of R.


-h    : gives this help.
-T    : output a matrix transforming the given group R/G into CARAT's
-o    : output CARAT's representative for this affine/arithmetic class.
-Z    : assume file to contain a finite unimodular group, more details
        see above.
-M    : give short Hermann-Mauguin symbols to describe a group
        isomorphic to the given only (has an effect only if the
        degree of R is two or three)
-c    : gives the CARAT name as
        "Q-class-name"-"Z-class-name"(-"name for the affine class")


See also for Bravais_type/Symbol, Extensions/Vector_system, Q_catalog, QtoZ.


  1. Do given matrices generate a space group? If so, find its name and normal representation.

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