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Aut_grp 'file' [-d=n] [-s=n] [-b] [-b=n] [-B=n] [-v] [-g] [-p]file: matrix_TYP containing a set of integral NxN-matrices, the first of which is symmetric and positive definite.
Computes a generating set for the (finite) group of all g in GL_N(Z) with gTr * F * g = F for all F in file.
NOTE: if all F are symmetric, this is a Bravais group, otherwise a generalised Bravais group (relevant for Bravais groups in families like 2-1',2-1' etc.).
-d=n : Depth up to which scalar products are calculated. The value should be small. Usefull if the automorphism group is expected to be small. -s=n : The n-point stabilizer with respect to different basis will be calculated. -b=n : Use Bacher polynomials up to deepth n. -B=n : Use Bacher polynomials with vectors having scalar product n -v,-g : Read additional data from 'file'. If -v is given the program assumes that the short vectors of the first form in 'file' are given below the forms. If -g is given, the program assumes known generators for the automorphism group to be given below any other information in 'file'. -p : Write additional output to the file AUTO.tmp
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