Write the two matrices in a file 'g' and add
as top line. Now 'g' has bravais_TYP as format.
Normalizer g > gn
to produce a file 'gn' containing G, a basis of the space of
invariant quadratic forms of G, generators for the normalizer
of G in GL4(Z), and the order of G. Note 'gn' has bravais_TYP
as format.
Vector_systems gn > gout
to write a set of representatives of the vector systems under the
normalizer action into the file 'out'. It turs out that the order
of the extension group is 8 and that there are 6 orbits, i. e. one
has 6 affine classes going with the Z-class of G.
For each of the 6 cocycles write it into a file 'coz' and call
Extract -r gn coz > g.i
to construct the affine classes in the Z-class of G in standard form (i.e. the translation
lattice is Zn):
Tr_bravais gn > gn_tr
to get the transposed group 'gn_tr of 'g'.
Sublattices -b gn_tr > gl
to write the matrices representing the bases of the Gtr-sublattices
of Z4 of 2-power index into file 'gl'.
(Note G and Gtr have order 26.) These
sublattices are ordered by inclusion and form a chain:
L1 = Z4 > L2 > L3 > L4 > 2 L1
For each inverse write it into a file 'inv' call
Tr inv > l.i
to transpose it. So we get the G-invariant superlattices of Zn:
l.1 = Zn < l.2 < l.3
< l.4 < 1/2 Zn
The following is trivial:
The first extension splits for every superlattice.
The first extension splits and the other extensions don't split for 1/2 Zn.
So we only have to consider 'g.2' to 'g.6' with the lattices 'l.2' to 'l.4'.
Enlarge the matrices in the files 'l.2', 'l.3' and 'l.4', i.e. change
4 /2 % tranposed of 1-th matrix of inv
2 0 0 1
0 -2 0 -1
0 0 -2 -1
0 0 0 -1
5 /2 % tranposed of 1-th matrix of inv
2 0 0 1 0
0 -2 0 -1 0
0 0 -2 -1 0
0 0 0 -1 0
0 0 0 0 2
To decide for which superlattice each extension splits, one has to add the translations of a
superlattice 'l.j' to a spacegroup 'g.i' and transform this group such that the translation
lattice is Zn (Cf.
Standard_affine_form). This can be done
in one step by calling:
for i in 2 3 4 5 6 ; do
for j in 2 3 4 ; do
Conj_bravais -i g.i l.j > g.i.j ;
done ;
We get the following spacegroups:
For each of these groups, extract the cocycle and the point group:
for i in 2 3 4 5 6 ; do
for j in 2 3 4 ; do
Extract -p g.i.j > pg.i.j ;
Extract -c g.i.j > cg.i.j ;
done ;
We get the following files:
for i in 2 3 4 5 6 ; do
for j in 2 3 4 ; do
Vector_systems -i pg.$i.$j cg.$i.$j ;
done ;
to identify the spacegroups in the files 'g.i.j'. The name is 0 iff the extension splits.
We get the following output:
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.2.2: 1
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.2.3: 1
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.2.4: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.3.2: 2
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.3.3: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.3.4: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.4.2: 2
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.4.3: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.4.4: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.5.2: 3
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.5.3: 1
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.5.4: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.6.2: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.6.3: 0
Name for the 1-th extension in pg.6.4: 0